In terms of selecting the ideal platform to choose for advertising, in a majority of cases, the selection comes to just two names, i.e. Google and Bing. Other names are there too, but none of them is as impressive as these two names mainly because of the features they provide and the benefits they offer to their users. Moreover, both require experts of Bing and Google ads management services for handling the campaign and this is why, selection becomes tough. Here in this post, we have compared these two platforms that allow advertising, their features, benefits, drawbacks, everything. Let us start by determining the categories in which these two platforms don’t allow advertising in.
Ad Restrictions
According to the experts of AdWords management company Darlington, both these platforms have some restrictions related to ads and categories in which they allow posting ads in. It is therefore advised that before deciding about the platform to use, you read these rules and restrictions so that you could decide accordingly. Here is the list of categories in which you cannot post ads in –
- Adult Content
- Copyright Content
- Gambling & Games
- Healthcare & Medicines
- Political Content
- Financial Services
- Bridge Pages To Affiliate Links
Then, here is a detailed list of the categories in which, you cannot post an ad in the Bing platform.
- Hate Speech
- Peer-To-Peer File Sharing
- Political And Religious Content
- Suffering And Violence
- Sensitive Advertising
- Tax Collection
- Unregulated User-Generated Content
CPC Costs
As far as CPC cost is concerned, experts from Google AdWords management company Darlington say that Google certainly has a higher CPC as compared to Bing’s CPC. This is something very important thing to note at the time of selection because as an advertiser, you attempt would always be to get the most out of the investment made. This is why, experts of Google AdWords management services that that after going through the ads related restrictions, you should focus upon average CPC that as we said earlier is higher in Google and lower in Bing.
Network Reach
In terms of network reach too, Google emerges as a clear winner being known as an undisputed topmost search engine of the world. Because it is such a huge search engine, it is obvious that it experiences greater amount of traffic as compared to Bing, thereby encouraging them to keep the average CPC higher.
However, this does not mean at all that Bing stands nowhere in the competition as a matter of fact that this platform receives over 137 million users who search roughly six billion times each month. Keeping this data in mind, it can be assumed very easily that if Google is the greatest platform for advertising, Bing is just behind it in terms of popularity. In terms of demographics too, Google will lead the competition because studies say that it is the top choice for businesses trying to reach a younger demographic. As far as Bing is concerned, you’ll be surprised to know that this search engine has an average user of age of over 45, and the usage of genders is about 50-50.